"Trickle" OUT NOW!
“Trickle” is a song about corporate greed, capitalism, class solidarity, and taxing the rich.
Over the last several decades, there has been a massive transfer of wealth to the richest of the rich. We’re not talking about doctors and lawyers rich, we believe working people deserve to make a fair living. We’re talking about the parasitic ultra-wealthy, who are hoarding more wealth than they could ever possibly spend.
Record profits are stolen wages. Some of the largest companies in the world refuse to pay their full time workers enough to sustain a life with dignity. That’s why we’re using this release to tell our story of unionizing under Teamsters Local 817 and winning our first contract as Location Scouts for Film and TV. We hope that our successful organization will inspire workers everywhere to rise up and demand their fair share. We encourage all workers to join a union, form a union, or support a union.
We stand with striking workers everywhere who are demanding their fair value be recognized by the owner class. The most effective way to fight corporate greed is to join our working siblings in solidarity. Regular people everywhere are demanding their fair share of profits. They know that they provide all of the value these companies have. Without workers, these businesses are worthless.
There’s more than one way to “take the most dangerous weapon away” and that’s why we’re also calling for a 90% tax for annual income over $10,000,000. This needs to be recognized as the generous proposal that it is. No one can spend that much money, they can only reinvest it and continue to exploit more people for their own gain. That’s not right.
In the 1950’s, the working class was thriving under Republican President Eisenhower and his progressive tax plan. A single income could easily purchase a home and provide for an entire family. This American Dream has been stolen from us. From 1953-1961, the top marginal rate was at 91%. It is time to reinstate this as the norm in American society.
Tax the rich.